The Sex Knowledge and Attitudes Test – Adolescents assesses knowledge, attitudes, and sexual behaviors and is appropriate for ages 12 to 18. The SKAT-A has been used in a variety of studies including clinical populations, the general population, and even with young adults in college settings, all producing excellent psychometric properties. Each year we receive hundreds of requests for the SKAT-A to support research in psychological, educational, and clinical settings. The SKAT-A is currently available in English and four other languages including Farsi (Iran), Malay (Indonesia), Spanish, and Kannada (India). Each version of the SKAT-A is copyrighted and must be used with permission.
Please send $10 USD to:
LARS Research Institute, Inc.
11080 West Pleasant Valley Road
Sun City AZ 85351
Upon receipt, you will receive a PDF copy of the SKAT-A
SKAT-A Language Examples:
English [Download Sample]
Farsi (Iran) [Download Sample]
Spanish [Download Sample]
SKAT-A Resources and Publications (a partial list)*:
Fullard & Scheier 2011 Handbook.pdf
Fullard, W. F., Johnston, D. A., & Lief, H. I. (1998).
The Sexual Knowledge and Attitude Test for Adolescents.
In C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber, R. Bauseman, G. Shreer, & S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (pp. 439-442). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Fullard Johston & Lief SKAT-A.pdf
Lief, H. I. (1988).
The Sex Knowledge and Attitude Test (SKAT).
In C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarbver, & S. L. Davis (Eds.).
Sexuality-related measures: A compendium (pp. 213-216).
Bloomington, IN: Second Editor.
Lief, H. I., & Payne, T. (1975).
Sexuality: Knowledge and attitudes.
American Journal of Nursing, 75, 2026-2029.
Lief, H. I., Fullard, & W., Devlin, S. J. (1990).
A new measure of adolescent sexuality: SKAT-A. Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, 16(2) 79-91.
Miller, W. R., & Lief, H. I. (1976).
Masturbatory attitudes, knowledge, and experience: Data from the Sex Knowledge and Attitudes Test (SKAT).
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 5, 447-467.
Miller, W. R., & Lief, H. I. (1979).
The Sex Knowledge and Attitudes Test (SKAT).
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 5, 282-287.
Note: *Harold Lief, co-author of the SKAT-A is now deceased.